PT Arsade Multi Gasindo PT Arsade Multi Gasindo

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PT Arsade Multi Gasindo is a private company engaged in natural gas transmission and distribution, with business entities (PT Banten Inti Gasindo and PT Inti Alasindo Energy)

The Entity Start Here​

PT Banten Inti Gasindo

Jl. Arga Gede D9/17A Cilegon, Banten - 42436 Indonesia
Phone: +62 254 574 113
Fax: +62 254 574 113

PT Inti Alasindo Energy

Jl. Wahidin Sudiro Husodo, No. 76 Gresik, Jawa Timur - 61121 Indonesia
Phone: +62 31 399 1009
Fax: +62 31 398 6677

Suppliers Area

Pertamina West Java





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East Java

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Kangean, East Java

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(Merak, Bitung, Ciwandan, Cikande, Tegal Gede, Balongan Area)

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(Porong Pasuruan Grati Area, Waru Driyorejo area, Gresik Manyar area)

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